Crazy title of the post huh! Well may be not...

I had to laugh..Chris and Dedan walked into the house Saturday night and Chris said with the biggest grin on his face, "Dedan, tell Janet what you would like to buy tomorrow". Dedan, started laughing and then said of all things, "A brush". Hmm...a brush I do what? (I was thinking at this time a brush to clean his new bike, a dust brush to clean his room..what else would it be?) A perplexed looking Dedan replied, "A brush to brush my hair". The food I was eating was close to being expelled as I hooted with laughter. "But you don't have any hair!"
For the next 5 minutes Dedan explained his case of why he needed a brush or comb and then we explained that he would have to search high and low as there was not one comb or one brush to deal with hair anywhere in our house. I know he thought we were having him on but seriously..I can't tell you the last time I actually combed my hair with anything but my fingers and a handful of hair gel.
So, today, after we all had done our early morning rides, Dedan and I spent Sunday afternoon cruising and shopping at the local mall to find him a hairbrush suitable for African hair. He told me that if he didn't comb his hair then it would automatically turn into dreads and he didn't want that, he wanted it smooth.So this afternoon..before and after photos were taken.I could see the difference..not too sure if Chris could.
Before the use of the comb:

After the use of the comb:

In the store making the comb selection:
Dedan also wanted a photo of himself standing next to the GMC Yukon Denali..our big American gas guzzler which he seems to love and calls the 'Obama Car'. It's perfect for transporting our bikes to races and particularly great when having to inhale food post racing.You just shut the doors and go and worries about people trying to steal the bikes..they have to steal the bikes AND and truck!!
Dedan with the GMC:

OK..Sunday evening..time to watch a movie..
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