This morning we had an early 5.00am wake up call, scoffed tea and toast then picked Dedan up at 5.40am and headed down to Fiesta Island for his first race, a 20km time trial. When we got to Fiesta Island it wasn't quite light, we collected our race numbers which had to be pinned to the right side of our body so that they could be read by the race officials while in a riding position. We took Dedan over to the B&L tent as we thought that was where he was going to warm up but for some reason they only had one indoor trainer and it was already in use. It didn't really matter as Dedan was quite comfortable warming up on the road.
Dedan waiting for his time slot:

Besides he certainly cut a pretty picture in his 2009 Tour d'Afrique cycling jersey which Mike from the TDA Toronto office had sent me specifically for Dedan to wear..(and those who are still riding the 2009 TDA in Africa haven't even seen it yet), the black Principia bike looked sweet and yes having one leg certainly got lots of attention but also looks of admiration.
Our friend Michelle braved the cold start to take photographs and we had a surprise for Dedan with the arrival of our friends Jack van der Veen and Siggi Hosenfeld whom Dedan first met during Tour d'Afrique 2007. Jack was our tour leader in 2007 and Siggi came to visit for a week or so when we were all in Kenya. Dedan was pleased to see them again here in USA!
Dedan greeting Jack and Siggi:

The race started at 7.00am sharp with riders going off every thirty seconds, numbered from 1 to 132. My start time was 7.11.30am, Dedan's start time was 7.46.30am and Chris's start time was at 8.03.30am. It was a three lap closed course and so at any given moment you could be passed by someone riding faster than you or you could pass someone who was riding slower than you..either way it's lots of fun!
The photographs below show Dedan at the start house, one with his leg on the ground moving his bike to the start line, one with the seat of the bike being held by an official while the starter does a 15 second count down and then two showing him leaving the start house and on the course!
Dedan in the start house:

It was quite windy today which made for tough conditions but Dedan hung in there and by the time he had got to the third lap he had amassed an entourage of well wishes all cheering him on. Of course I was the loudest cheerer..did you expect anything less?

Dedan at the finish:
Jack went to the start of the finishing chute (you can see him in the distant right edge of the photo)to make sure Dedan knew what side of the cones to finish on and he was racing to the finish line like there was no tomorrow. What a trooper! Jack's an ex pro roadie and so we'll have to get him to do the next one with reading this Jack? Get your bike and body ready...Tee hee!
After the race I asked Dedan how he felt. He said that "it was good but I need more power! I have to go faster, too many people passing me!!!" Don't ya just love him!
A tad competitive you think?
After the race the boys went home in the truck and I rode home via Mission Beach and La Jolla Boulevard. It was a good way to get in some extra riding as I'm going to need it to stick with Dedan when the new leg arrives.
One week race under his belt and Chris is entering him into another as I write this. This time it's a relay, the Devil Dog Duathlon which is a really good race and hosted by Camp Pendleton - a marine base here in Southern California. Dedan will do the bike section and Chris's client Dave will do the 2 run sections.
Hope you all had a good Sunday.
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