Well today is Friday March 6th and I must say that it is really amazing how quickly Dedan has touched not only our lives but also the lives of our clients and friends. Those who met him in the studio Monday morning - freshly landed and jetlagged who once again were in for their regular Friday spots have noticed Dedan coming alive so to speak.I'm sure it is partly down to jetlag disappearing but also to Dedan's increased confidence with speaking English. I am a trained school teacher and specialised in teaching english as a second language many moons ago and so every evening we have been having english lessons over dinner. Yesterday we covered what we saw while the two of us were out riding. Try explaining the difference between clouds, fog and mist! I dare you!!!As for the riding ...yes...and what a story that was!
It was my turn to ride with Dedan and I tell ya....maybe it was the 'testosterone boy riding with girl thing' or maybe it was his joy of being out along the coast on a new road or maybe I am just not bike fit but either way the gurl had to ride her butt off to stay with him on the flats. Dang he can ride a fast bike...and yes I know it was with one leg and yes I have already thought about how I am going to have to get my act together when he has two legs...that thought had definitely crossed my mind. Admittedly I have been concentrating on running the past 4 months and have just started back riding but all the same...I was breathing hard and I am no slouch on a bike. I can't wait see how he goes on Sunday at his first race. There will be some raised eyebrows when his time gets clocked...that is for sure!!!
So the week to date:
Tuesday March 3rd:
We had a bit of a cold snap here in Southern Cal and so Dedan needed some warm clothing. I am on the advisory board of Titleist - a golf company (and the number one golf ball played by the golf pros)....anyway, I had a TPI track suit laying around (which Titleist had given me and was still in the original packaging) and decided that Dedan needed it more than I did! He loved it and certainly looked great in the red!He wanted a photo of himself taken outside the studio in front of the fast car...he's looking good!

Wednesday March 4th:
Dedan had an indoor bike/computrainer session with Chris and they worked on pyramids of ascending and descending wattage.In his job as a bike courier Dedan is more used to quick, fast paced bursts of work compared to riding for hours at a time and so one of Chris's goals is to get him used to training his endurance system for longer periods of time. Chris also checked his lactate at each wattage increase. Poor boy was sweating at the end of it!!

At 5.30pm he had a massage session with Mark Haskins from Encinitas Acupuncture and Massage who generously donated his time. Chris also had a massage with his regular massage therapist at the same time and no sooner had Chris settled into his massage when there was a knock on the door. Mark had come to tell Chris that Dedan had insisted that a photo be taken of the needles sticking in his back!! Mark does both soft tissue work and acupuncture and I think it was the first time that Dedan had had acunpuncture! No camera and so we'll have to get a shot next time.
Thursday March 5th:
Dedan and I went riding south along the coast to Solana Beach, inland to Fairbanks Ranch and Santa Luz to the 56 bike path and then west to Del Mar and back along the coast north to Encinitas.It was a good 2 hour ride and lots of fun. I had to work to stay with him on the flats as he is a time trial specialist but I was able to stay with him on the hills..thank god!! Later that morning he had a bike fitting with Dan Rock at B & L Bikes and had his first glimpse of his new bike that he will be getting in a weeks time. Can't tell ya what it is yet..you'll have to wait until you see the photo. All that I can say is that Dedan is pumped!! Yeah he is loving it!!
Friday March 6th:

Dedan did a recovery bike session and an easy weight session with Chris in the morning and then I took him through a full evaluation and range of motion testing in the afternoon to gain information to design a specific individualised strength training program for him.

We went out to dinner Friday evening with our good friend Michelle and her mother who is visiting from Chicago. The restaurant was quite the happening place in Carlsbad but unfortunately too noisy for conversation........however it was entertaining for Dedan. We had a bunch of local marines out on the town sitting at a table near us and so they were boisterous and mildly amusing!!Chris and Dedan eventually decided the scene wasn't for them and left after dinner while the ladies stayed and enjoyed dessert and a glass of wine.We couldn't stay all night as there was training to be done in the morning and so it was home to bed for all.
See ya Saturday
Cheers Janet
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